Friday, August 15, 2008

New Fall Practice Schedule

Starting next week (Aug 18)

Parents and Players, I have to make a change in the practice schedule for the fall. This will free me up for an early training time with the Academy players on Thursdays.

Tues 5:30-7:00 U15's
7:00-8:30 U18's

Wed 5:30-7:00 U15's
7:00-8:30 U18's

Thurs 7:00-8:30 (Both Teams)

With the new schedule I can have 2 separate practices with both teams and also allow each player 3 training sessions a week. Please note that practice times may run over an extra 15 mins each session. So that you know on Mondays and Thursdays I will be coaching the Academy in the early time slot and on Mondays I will be assisting older girls and boys teams in the later slot.


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