Sunday, August 12, 2007

Soccer Schedule

Updated schedule (field change for first game; everything else is the same)
25-Aug Tournament: Aiken Cup (registered)
1-Sep Off
8-Sep Carolina Select.. 9:00 Garners Ferry Rd Park 2
CUFC............. 1:00 NECSA (i.e. Clemson Road)
15-Sep MPSC............. 1:00 Patriots Pt
Bridge 94 Gold... 5:00 Patriots Pt
22-Sep Off
29-Sep Off
6-Oct Off
13-Oct Tournament: YMCA Carolina Shootout (planned)
20-Oct Bridge 93 Red.... 1:00 Socastee Park
28-Oct CFC.............. 2:30 Garners Ferry Rd Park (Columbia) SUNDAY
3-Nov CESA 93..........11:00 NECSA (Clemson Rd)
CESA 94.......... 3:00 NECSA (Clemson Rd)
10-Nov Off
17-Nov Tournament: Possible tournament at Lake Norman or Raleigh

The official league schedule is located on our SCYSA league web page:
Field locations can be found here. Also, if a time change or field change is made (rare, but it happens), it will be posted here.
The league page can be accessed from the left menu of ; see the League Page link.

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